Selection of videos


In order to discover the talent of the students of TATU Urganch branch and to increase the media content aimed at protecting young people from ideological threats on the Internet and social networks, to increase their common sense and motivation, a selection of videos on the following topics is announced.


1) Education without corruption.


2) Young people in today's virtual world.


3) I'm a Manguberdi too!


4) A student's day.


5) Addiction is the future


6) I am a programmer!


7) A book is a treasure of knowledge.




length not exceeding 5 minutes;


  creative and quality;


  must be original and copyrighted;


  every video must display the TATU UF logo.


The winners will be awarded the following prizes:


1st place - television


2nd place - microwave oven


3rd place - vacuum cleaner


The awarding ceremony will be solemnly organized and broadcasted by mass media.


The winners are determined by the members of the commission and by voting.


The period is until March 10, 21:00


You can send prepared videos to @zulayxo_satimboyevna.

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