International Conferences
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    We invite you to the Internatioanl scientific-practical conference on the theme "Information Technology, Networks and Telecommunications" ITN&T-2023, which will be held on May 05-06, 2023 in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Our official international partners (Co-organizers):

    1. Novosibirsk State Technical University

    2. Far Eastern Federal University

    3. Lobachevsky University

    4. Department of General Informatics and Department of Mathematical Modeling of Novosibirsk State University

    5. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management


    This conference will work on the following sections:

    1. Actual problems and solutions for the development of telecommunications systems and networks.

    2. Modern trends and actual problems of using digital technologies in socio-economic spheres.

    3. IoT technology, big data and machine learning technologies for their processing.

    4. Modern problems and solutions of information security.

    5. Modern information technologies in education.

    Languages spoken at the conference: Uzbek, Russian and English.

    Deadline for submission of abstracts: abstracts, articles will be accepted until Aprel 10, 2023 through the web page and will be published on the OJS platform ( in electronic form on May 10, 2023.

    To participate online, you can connect to the ZOOM platform by clicking on the link:

    Note: in the abstract, the article work should be clearly indicated which section of the conference the work is intended for. Abstracts, articles that do not meet the requirements, do not have a scientific and practical recommendation, are not included in the collection of conference materials and are not returned to the author.

    Materials that do not meet the requirements will not be included in the conference program and collection Participants of the conference will receive a certificate. Conference proceedings are indexed in Google Scholar.

    Requirements for conference materials: Articles should be 4-5 pages. The text of the article doc. Format, line spacing is 1.15, Times New Roman 12 kegel font. The title of the article, abstract (consisting of 100-150 words) and keywords are given in the language of the article and in English. The author's last name, first name and patronymic are given after the title of the article, scientific degree, title, name of the organization and e-mail address are indicated under the link (*).

    Order of reference and used literature: the source link is given in parentheses, in the order indicated by the author's last name, year of publication and page. For example: [Ne'matov, 2005; 56].

     The list of used literature is given at the end of the text in alphabetical order. The number of references should not be less than 5



    Nargiza Qobilova

    Annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation, annotation.

    Keywords: (5-7 words). Keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords.

    Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. [Akramov, 1997:3] Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. Main text. [Kormushin, 1997:200]


    1. Бозоров О. 1997, Ўзбек тилида даражаланиш, Тошкент, 128 б.

    2. Kurbanova M, Yuldashev M. 2014. Matn tilshunosligi. Toshkent, 154 b.

    3.Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь, 1990. Мoсква “Советская энциклопедия” 688 с.

    4. Nurmonov A., 2002.O‘zbek tilshunosligi tarixi. Toshkent, ” O‘zbekiston”. 32-b.3.

    5. Sayfullayeva R. Mengliyev B.R., Boqiyeva G.H., Qurbonova M.M., Yunusova Z.Q., Abuzalova M.Q. 2009. Hozirgi o‘zbek adabiy tili.Toshkent., Fan va texnologiya, -B 414.

             Contacts of the organizing committee: 110 al-Khorezmi street, Urgench city (220100), Khorezm region, Uzbekistan (Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies)

    Responsible person: Davlatyor Mengliev


    Contact phone: +998(93) 751-16-16





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