Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Xalmuratov Omonboy Utamuratovich
Hours: Every day 15.00-17.00 (except Mondays and Saturdays)
Telephone: (+99862) 224-61-45

Duties of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs:

• Organizing the implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;

• Organization of educational, scientific, financial and spiritual-educational work and training of qualified personnel on the basis of state educational standards;

• Ensuring that all deans and departments, heads of departments and teachers are fully aware of the content of knowledge and the set of requirements for the level of training in accordance with state educational standards;

• Organize the implementation of orders, directives and instructions of higher authorities, decisions of the Branch Council and the director's orders on issues related to the educational process;

• Methods for studying the development trends of the education system of developed countries, the Law "On Education", the "National Program of Personnel Training" and other laws related to education, and development of tools and ensuring their implementation;

• Organize the introduction and effective use of advanced forms of teaching in the educational process, including distance learning, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies;

• Preparation of proposals and organization of work in the field of activity;

• Coordinating, organizing and supervising the work of departments and deans, which provide the educational process;

• Approve work plans of departments, faculties and departments and monitor their implementation;

• Improving the quality of lessons, monitoring and ensuring the implementation of individual plans of teachers;

• Organize educational and scientific conferences, lead the work of the Branch Methodological Council and pedagogical skills, generalize best practices;

• The process of preparation and publication of educational and methodical and scientific materials, including journals and collections of scientific works by the staff of the branch, as well as teaching and methodological and scientific work in all areas of educational and scientific activities of the branch. provide general guidance on replenishment of the library fund with scientific periodicals;

• Managing and assisting the process of searching for, selecting and working with talented young people, managing the process of training students to receive prestigious scholarship winners of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruni, Ulugbek, Zulfiya and others;

• Development of proposals for the staff of faculty and support staff, the organization of work to provide departments and divisions with qualified personnel;

• Supervise the development and implementation of plans for the recruitment of vacancies on a competitive basis, the recruitment of trainee researchers and masters, the improvement of faculty and professional development;

• Development of issues on efficient use of classrooms, improvement of technical equipment of classrooms and laboratories;

• Take action against employees who violate executive discipline, prepare proposals for termination of contracts with them;

• Preparation of proposals for the establishment of faculties and departments in cooperation with related higher education institutions of foreign countries in order to improve the content of education, to ensure the training of specialists in accordance with international requirements;

• Conducting annual reports, analysis and conclusions of departments, faculties and departments, the implementation of modern methods of assessing the educational and methodological activities of teachers;

• Carry out regular educational cooperation with higher education institutions, ensure the active participation of teachers in conferences, seminars, work with local authorities;

• Determination, analysis of the annual rating of the Branch, implementation of work to improve the activities in the prescribed manner;

• Regular internal certification of the branch in the prescribed manner, active participation in the preparation and conduct of external certification.

• Develops current and future plans for spiritual and moral education and monitors their implementation.

• Timely delivery of the adopted documents of the Ministry on spiritual and educational issues to the university staff and ensuring the implementation of the tasks set out in them.

• Organization of spiritual and educational work on the basis of state educational standards and training of qualified personnel;

• Introduction and use of advanced forms of teaching, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the process of spiritual education organization of effective use;

• Coordination, organization and control of the work of the departments that provide the process of spiritual education, the vice-dean for spiritual and educational work;

• Approve the plans of spiritual and educational work of departments, faculties and departments and monitor their implementation;

• The process of preparation and publication of materials of spiritual and educational work, including journals and collections of scientific works by university staff, as well as teaching methods and scientific periodicals in all areas of educational and research activities of the university provide general guidance on replenishment of the library fund with publications;

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