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A student of the Urgench branch of TUIT Rajapboeva Sumbul took 2nd place among 44 talented young people

30.Jul.2022 | 10:52

The closing ceremony of the regional exhibition of innovative ideas "Innoweek-2022" was held in Khorezm region.


Rajapboyeva Sumbul, a student of TUIT Urganch branch, won the 2nd place among 44 talented young people in the "TechnoWays" technological development marathon, parti...

INNOWEEK -2022 regional stage team of TATU Urganch branch.

29.Jul.2022 | 09:37

? A student of Urganch branch of TUIT won the Asian Judo Championship!

23.Jul.2022 | 12:55

The Asian Judo Championship among teenagers and young adults was held in Bangkok.

✔️   The student of  Urganch branch of TUIT Gurbanboeva successfully participated in it, won a bronze medal in the 78 kg category and became the winner of the Asian Championship.


Our judo athletes have no equal at the Asian Championship in Thailand!

23.Jul.2022 | 12:08

The Asian Judo Championship among teenagers and young adults hosted by the city of Bangkok has come to an end.

     As part of the national team, sportsmen of the region took part and achieved the following results.

     Judokas from Uzbekistan won 5 go...

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