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Today, nationwide charity hashars are being held across the country.

30.Apr.2022 | 14:11


In accordance with the relevant decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 26, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, support vulnerable groups of the population, on April 30 this year under the motto "Neighborhood prosperity - prosperity of the country" beautification and landsc...

Day 2 of the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Information Technologies, Networks and Telecommunications"

30.Apr.2022 | 14:06

As you know, our branch hosted an international scientific-practical conference on "Information Technology, Networks and Telecommunications" for 2 days.


 This conference will focus on current issues and solutions for the development of telecommunications systems and netw...

Friendly match on the sport mini football

30.Apr.2022 | 10:49

M.Muradov, tutor of the Faculty of Telecommunication Technologies of the Urgench branch of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, F.Bekchanov, chairman of the BT branch of the Youth Union and students of the attached group 942-20 (932-20) held a friendly match on the mini football type.


Seminar meeting on employment of graduates between enterprises

30.Apr.2022 | 10:45

Состоялся семинар-встреча по трудоустройству выпускников между выпускниками нашего филиала и работодателями. В совещании принял участие главный инженер ГУП «Центр радиовещания и телевидения» Муллаев Анвар. Семинар открыл начальник отдела маркетинга и студенческой практики нашего филиа...

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