Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarazmi Urgench branch 2024/2025 academic year cost of one year of training of one student in the form of a fee-contract

Cipher Direction of Education Bakalavriat (stipendiyasiz-bazaviy) Bakalavriat (stipendiyali-bazaviy) Magistratura Kunduzgi (stipendiyasiz-bazaviy) Magistratura Kunduzgi (stipendiyali-bazaviy)
Kunduzgi Sirtqi, masofaviy va kechki Kunduzgi
1 60410100 Economy 10 500 000 12 030 000 16 714 560 12 000 000 18 214 560
2 60610200 Information security (By industries) 8 150 000 9 444 000 14 364 560 9 700 000 15 914 560
3 60610300 Computer Engineering (computer engineering) 8 150 000 9 444 000 14 364 560 9 700 000 15 914 560
4 60610400 Software engineering 8 150 000 9 444 000 14 364 560 9 700 000 15 914 560
5 60610600 Telecommunication technologies 8 150 000 9 444 000 14 364 560 9 700 000 15 914 560
6 60711000 Mechatronics and robotics 7 400 000 8 623 000 13 614 560 8 968 000 15 182 560

According to the State Commission on coordination of enrollment processes in higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the amount of differentiated payment-contract is established for applicants who do not reach 4.05 points on the basis of a fee-contract to a student. This follows the following scale:

  • up to 1.05 points for applicants who have not reached, the base fee is — 1.5 times the contract amount
  • for applicants who have not reached 1.06-2.05 points, the base fee is 2.0 times the contract amount;
  • for applicants who did not reach 2.06 points to 3.05 points, the base fee is — 2.5 times the contract amount;
  • for applicants who did not reach 3.06 points to 4.05 points, the base fee is-3.0 times the contract amount.
Note: for the 2024/2025 academic year, a 10 percent discount will be given to the specified differentiated payment-the minimum amount of the contract..