The primary trade union committee protects the social, economic and legal interests of its members.
The primary trade union committee of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (TUIT) consists of professors, teachers, doctoral students, employees and retirees who have worked at the university for many years.
The TUIT CPP includes 17 activists.
Before making decisions concerning the interests of the university employees, the university management cooperates with the trade union committee, promptly considers trade union proposals, provides the committee with the necessary information on the university's activities and other socio-political issues.
The tasks of the Trade Union:
- to respect the constitutional rights of trade union members to work, freedom of choice of profession, creation of fair working conditions and protection from unemployment;
to increase leisure time, which is a means of restoring strength and health, as well as its rational use; - to ensure compliance with labor legislation, regulatory legal acts on labor and environmental protection;
- create a health base and ensure the allocation of the necessary funds;
- draw up collective agreements and contracts to strengthen public cooperation, monitor their implementation;
- carry out joint work with government agencies and public organizations, assist in the adoption of laws and other regulations aimed at protecting the rights and freedoms of trade union members, maintaining stability and civil harmony;
- ensure the implementation of a system of socially fair wages;
- ensure advanced training and professional retraining of trade union members, based on production goals.
Rights and responsibilities of trade union members:
- Trade union membership is voluntary. Trade union members must comply with the Trade Union Charter, its requirements, and pay membership fees on time;
- trade union members can count on legal assistance from the trade union regarding labor relations in government, judicial and business bodies;
- take part in elections and be elected to trade union bodies;
- participate in trade union events, speak in person at meetings regarding their activities and behavior, express their opinion;
- contact higher trade union organizations;
- receive vouchers to health centers, sanatoriums, health resorts, recreation centers, children's health camps for treatment and health restoration on preferential terms.
The Trade Union Committee, together with the University management, considers the following issues:
- improving working conditions, safety and labor protection;
- ensuring employment of University employees and guarantees of social benefits;
- encouraging and rewarding student employees;
- adopting joint decisions on socio-economic and other issues within the University's authority;
- ensuring the provision of employees with preferential vouchers to the University's health resort;
- allocating preferential vouchers to the Bostanlyk sports and health zone to University teachers and employees.
Activities carried out by the Primary Trade Union Committee:
As part of its activities, the Trade Union Committee studies and identifies low-income employees and students, and, in agreement with the University management, provides material incentives to staff and students. The Committee also provides financial assistance to University students from low-income families upon the recommendation of the Dean's Office.
Three single pensioners who have worked at the university for many years are under the patronage of the CPP. Every year they are visited by union activists who provide financial assistance as much as possible.
To provide social protection to university employees, the CPP exercises control over:
- social protection of employees;
- labor discipline;
- labor protection and creation of working conditions;
- employee salaries and income tax calculation;
- timely payment of salaries and advances;
- preparation for the autumn-winter season;
- unreasonable expulsion of students from the university;
- fulfillment of the collective agreement by quarters;
- medical examination of employees;
The CPP conducts explanatory work among employees on labor discipline issues and studies the problems that have arisen. Serious situations are considered at meetings of the Trade Union Council and proposals are developed, which are then submitted to the rector's office.
The CPP exercises constant control over labor protection throughout the year and organizes medical examinations to improve the work activity of employees. Provides financial assistance to university employees in purchasing medicines. Provides the university medical center with medicines in agreement with the university management. Exercises control over the activities of the doctor and nurses of the university medical center.
The checkpoint provides employees with discounted vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes for health restoration during the working period.