


Bekchanova Madinakhan Soliyevna

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Phone: +99891 4313399


Brief information on the general activities of the personnel department


     Laws of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law on Education, implemented decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education and education of the young generation, as well as , the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development and Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders, orders, regulations and guidelines, the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and guidelines, TATU Urganch The branch works in accordance with the Charter, regulations, instructions and relevant instructions of the personnel department.

     The branch follows internal labor procedures, regulations, control rules, labor discipline, job instructions, and organizes the work of employees in accordance with established laws and regulations. Professor-teachers, assistants, administrative and service workers, and inspectors of work with students of the personnel department organize work in accordance with the instructions and instructions of the head of the personnel department. He works according to the instructions. Their work is supervised by the head of the department. Makes proposals to the management on the placement of personnel. Together with the management of the branch, it organizes provision of professors and teachers, assistants, administrative and service personnel who have specialization and qualification, work level and style can meet the requirements. Productive and effective work is necessary to achieve the goals set in the national personnel training program and to implement it.

     The branch coordinates the staff schedule together with the finance and planning department and conducts work based on the staff schedule. Establishes and organizes work in cooperation with other organizations on personnel issues. Hiring, dismissal, change of position of professor-teacher, assistant, administrative and service staff, giving work leave and early recall to work, additional holidays, selection , determines and controls the determination of certification deadlines. General supervision of professor-teacher and assistant staff to ensure that students, work, study discipline follow the internal procedures of the Branch and do not violate the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, encourage them, provide financial support, impose disciplinary sanctions makes a proposal to the management in agreement with the dean and the heads of departments. Those who are forced to do military service, keep and control the accounts of teenagers of military service age in cooperation with the relevant department (2nd department).

     Organizes dialogues to attract bachelor's, master's and postgraduate graduates to work in the branch. Forms the personal work folder, personal card (T-2 form), personal reference (lens) of the professor-teacher, assistant, administrative and service staff and students, organizes its maintenance in the prescribed manner and my is constantly entered into the system. Monitors that graduate students fill out diploma forms and applications correctly and accurately on time. Controls the use of work book and diploma forms, accounting. Keeps records of employees who have reached the retirement age, prepares the necessary documents for them to be assigned a pension on time. Creates and maintains sick sheets.