


Adinaev Khushnudbek Sailboevich

Reception time: Every day

Phone: +998 97 512-14-18


     The teaching-methodical department is a structure that manages the educational process, which aims to implement the tasks defined in the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education and the National Personnel Training Program, and operates on this basis. The educational and methodological department has the authority to improve the university education process based on the achievements of advanced science, to provide basic educational documents, and to summarize the advanced achievements of faculties and departments in educational work. The teaching-methodical department pays great attention to the inclusion of all the necessary subjects in the educational process for students to become mature, qualified specialists at the level of modern requirements.


The tasks of the educational and methodological department are defined as follows:

• Improving the university education process based on advanced scientific achievements, providing university structures with state educational standards and basic educational documents;
• Planning and organizing the educational process at the university;
• Coordination of educational, educational and methodological work of university faculties and departments;
• Continuous improvement of normative-methodical documents in the management of the educational process;
• Development of prospective plans for the development of university education and recommendation to the University Scientific Council;
• Summarizing the advanced achievements of university faculties, departments and structures in educational work and applying them to the university education process;
• Implementation of the new REGULATION on the rating system of monitoring and evaluating students' knowledge;
• Formation of the professional development plan of professors-teachers;
• Analysis of student attendance;
• Ensuring that university professors and students observe academic discipline;
• Organization and analysis of current, intermediate and final controls at bachelor's and master's degrees in all faculties of the university;
• Ensuring the maintenance of basic work documents in departments and deaneries;
• Preparation of documents for drawing up the staff table at the university, control over the implementation of educational workloads;
• Registration of documents of substitute and part-time teachers, organization and coordination of distribution of part-time lesson fund;
• To study the activities of university faculties and departments on educational issues;
• Organizing the selection of professors and teachers;
• Introduction of developed foreign experiences into the educational process;
• Organization of practices and provision of methodological manuals;
• Coordinating academic lyceum activities in terms of educational and methodological aspects;
The chief, stylist, manager and dispatchers work in the educational and methodological department.