


Madrahimov Zafar Erkin son of

Reception time: Every day

Phone: (+998 90) 432-14-22


About the Department of Quality Control of Education:


     Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and "On the National Program of Personnel Training" and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Measures for Further Development of the Higher Education System" on" decisions aimed at increasing the quality of education based on requirements. Pursuant to the requirements of the decision PQ-2909 of April 20, 2017, the reforms implemented in the socio-economic sphere, as well as in order to further improve the control of the quality of education in the continuous education system, to control the quality of personnel training and the effectiveness of the educational process implementation of state policy in the field of impartial evaluation, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 515 of July 18, 2017 was adopted. In accordance with paragraph 14 of this decision, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi consisted of 3 employees (head of the department and 2 chief specialists) who are appointed and dismissed according to the presentation of the head of the State Inspection. "Quality control department" was established.

     The department is engaged in the study and analysis of the compliance of the knowledge of students of higher educational institutions with the state educational standards, the quality of personnel training and the organization of internal attestation of the university, as well as factors affecting the results of internal attestation, control of the quality of education. . The rector of the university and the State Inspectorate were instructed to provide information

     The department is engaged in the study and analysis of the compliance of the knowledge of students of higher educational institutions with the state educational standards, the quality of personnel training and the organization of internal attestation of the university, as well as the factors affecting the results of internal attestation, and the control of the quality of education. . The rector of the university and the State Inspectorate were instructed to provide information


The main tasks and functions of the department:


  • Analysis and examination of the provision of educational areas and specialties with state educational standards (DTS), qualification requirements, curricula and science programs;
  • To study the quality of the educational process, the level of its provision with textbooks and teaching-methodical manuals;
  • Study and analysis of compliance of students' knowledge with DTS;
  • Ensuring the implementation of regulatory legal documents aimed at improving the quality of education;
  • Quality control of personnel training;
  • Organization of internal attestation, identification of factors that negatively affect the quality of education based on its results, providing information to the rector of the university and the State Inspection;
  • Control over the timely elimination of deficiencies and deficiencies identified during attestation, studying the quality of education;
  • Monitoring the status of indicators determining the quality of education and making recommendations to relevant structures regarding identified problems and deficiencies;
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of using modern methods and methods in the process of improving the qualifications of pedagogic personnel in order to improve the quality of education;
  • To analyze the suitability of the basic information of professors and teachers to the relevant pedagogical subject(s), to study whether they have undergone relevant retraining or have a scientific title, academic degree in a relevant specialty, and to inform the rector of the university to make known; to do
  • Control of the implementation of educational process, scientific-research and scientific-methodical work plans;
  • Analyzing the state of the material and technical base of the educational process, making proposals for its development and improvement;
  • Organization of student practice and control of its effectiveness, taking into account educational directions and specialties;
  • According to the task of the State Inspection, to collect data on university rating and evaluation, to participate in the process of studying and certifying the quality of education;
  • Based on the analysis of the evaluation process of students' knowledge, the evaluation of the impartiality, transparency and quality of rating scores and a number of other tasks are defined.