Reception time: Monday - Saturday (9:00-18:00)
Phone: +998 97 362-37-84
Scientific works and directions at the department:
1. 05.01.07-Mathematical modeling. A set of numerical methods and programs (technical sciences) 2. 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education and training (pedagogical sciences) At the same time, a scientific center called "Cybersecurity and innovative education" is operating at the department. Professors and teachers have been participating in scientific seminars organized by this center. Also, within the framework of the center, the activities of the circles on "Computer graphics", "Computer networks" and "Creating mobile applications" have been established.
Scientific work and directions conducted in the department: Circles for working with talented students are organized in the department. assistant of the department F.Masharipova is in charge of the workshop. Achievements The Department of Natural and General Professional Sciences of TATU Urganch branch named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi was established in 2005. In 2008, 2 departments were established on the basis of the Department of Natural and General Professional Sciences: the Department of Natural and General Professional Sciences and the Department of Informatics and Mathematics. On December 31, 2013, the director of TATU UF, Ph.D., professor A.Kh. According to Nishonov's order No. 382, the department of "Communication engineering" was established on the basis of the department of "Natural and general professional sciences". In order to improve the educational process at the Urganch branch, professors-teachers of the department have created a number of educational and methodological manuals. to increase the efficiency of the educational process, all computers are connected to the Internet, students have the opportunity to use computers in their free time. Currently, professors and teachers of the department provide in-depth knowledge of subjects in the curriculum. introduction of new pedagogical technologies, including creation of virtual laboratory works, conducting them in a special multimedia classroom connected to the Internet. Circles for working with talented students are organized in the department; The "Young Physicists" group is headed by an associate professor. The department is headed by D. Saidov and K. Bobojonov, and the "Young Mathematicians" group is headed by F. Masharipova, assistant of the department.
Priority directions of the department's scientific and research activities.
During the academic year, the department conducts scientific work in two directions:
1. Differential equations and mathematical physics.
2. Modeling of natural processes.
3. Current issues of higher mathematics.
Within the framework of the state scientific and technical programs, the department has a 4-year 100 million soum 4-year "Research on the formation of secondary defects in silicon and silicon-germanium solid alloys" for the period of 2017-2020, fund number BF-4-016 (grant leader f .-m.f.n. Saidov D.SH.) scientific research work was carried out.
Subjects taught at the department:
1. Head of the cafe Urazmetova Sh.
2. Associate Professor D. Saidov,
3. Docent Torayev Y.,
4. Senior teacher Bobojonov K.,
5. Senior teacher Mashaaripova F.,
6. Assistant Rajabov A.,
7. trainee teacher Rozimov J.
8. Intern teacher Iskandarov B
1. B.S. Abdullayeva, A.Sh. Urazmetova "Discrete Mathematics" study guide, certificate #522-095 was obtained based on the order #522 of October 6, 2020.
2.A.Sh. Urazmetova "Discrete Structures" study guide issued certificate #418315943702697336 based on order No. 314 of July 17, 2023.
3. A.K. Bobojanov Methodical guide for the 1st semester of "Physics 1" Urganch 2023.
4. A.F. Masharipova "Probability and statistics" practical training manual Certificate No. 951985 was obtained based on the order No. 438 of the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 29, 2023.
5. A.F. Masharipova prepared a manual for practical exercises in the discipline of "Discrete Structures" Certificate #431730 was received based on the Order No. 149 dated May 7, 2024 of the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Currently, our department has a circle of "Young Mathematicians" from the subject "Account 1" and a circle of "followers of Al-Khorazmi" from the subject "PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS". It is held every Tuesday and Friday in room 215 at 14:00.